Tabela 0078 - Abnormal Flags*

Tabela 0078 - Abnormal Flags*

L Below low normal
H Above high normal
LL Below lower panic limits
HH Above upper panic limits
< Below absolute low-off instrument scale
> Above absolute high-off instrument scale
N Normal (applies to non-numeric results)
A Abnormal (applies to non-numeric results)
AA Very abnormal (applies to non-numeric units, analogous to panic limits for numeric units)
null No range defined, or normal ranges don't apply
U Significant change up
D Significant change down
B Better--use when direction not relevant
W Worse--use when direction not relevant
S Susceptible. Indicates for microbiology susceptibilities only.
R Resistant. Indicates for microbiology susceptibilities only.
I Intermediate. Indicates for microbiology susceptibilities only.
MS Moderately susceptible. Indicates for microbiology susceptibilities only.
VS Very susceptible. Indicates for microbiology susceptibilities only

* Em desenvolvimento